Manga/Anime Memorandum

random thoughts on manga and anime

MAMORU OSHII book review [nonfiction] Part 22, MAKING OF THE SKY CRAWLERS


There're some Mamoru Oshii book lists on the Internet, but they don't have detailed explanations about the contents. My Mamoru Oshii book collection is far from complete, but I'd like to write some short summaries for each of those books.

I apologize in advance for grammatical errors and misinformation.



title: アニメはいかに夢を見るか 『スカイ・クロラ』制作現場から

(How Does Anime Dream? From Behind-the-Scenes of The Sky Crawlers)

release: 08/06/2008

publisher: Iwanami Shoten



"I Have a Message to Young People" by Mamoru Oshii

"Behind the Scenes of The Sky Crawlers" by Tomohiko Ishii

"People Who Crawl the Sky" by Tetsuya Nishio



This is a collection of essays about The Sky Crawlers. The contents are very basic.

Oshii met his daughter, Oshii wanted to give a message to young people, staff did long brainstorming sessions, a new type of staff joined the group, Tetsuya Nishio tried non-Oshii style animation, etc.


Only Tetsuya Nishio's part is pretty interesting. He drew a behind-the-scenes manga series in this book. It shows Oshii's funny side.


[Summer in 2006]


N: In the summer of 2006, I was super busy with a certain Uzumaki series's feature film, but I also started character sketch and briefing for The Sky Crawlers.

O: Well, I leave it to you. You're good at character design, right?

N: Like the original novel's illustration, Suito has very short hair...

O: BOB HAIRRRRR! (*She has very short hair in the novel.)

O: suITO usUAlLY wEaRs aN uNIfoRM, So hAir LEngTh is needED in oRDeR tO sHoW her FEmINInITy. HAIr enablES mAnY PicTuREsque SHOTS LikE haIr BlOWiNg iN THe AIr oR A woman puSHiNg hair bACk. MY FIlm WoN't wORK WithOUt bOB Hair. BY tHE waY, sUiTO wears tItANIUm-FRaME glaSsEs, AnD...

N: Gosh... okay, I got it.